
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Journal on " Coke"

The poem is based and inspired by the love of a son for Coka-Cola. I like how he says: I was proud of the Coca-Cola stitched in red on the pocket of my dad's shirt, just above his heart", to me this means that his dad loved Coca- Cola as much as he did, and that it was close to his heart.The author's dad drives a Coca- Cola truck. This drink goes around in the truck offering it's goodness to the poor and the thristy. People smiles at the sight of this very loved drink. He also relies on his dad work and says that his dad worked all day with the coke cans and that he knew the president and that in the future the drink would be known and live worldwide, that coke would bring world peace because those drinking it couldn't be fighting. The author imagines how he would offer the drink to Jesus and how he would enjoyed. Finally he would fall asleep thinking how the drink would pour over him with all its bubbles and full of america.

Journal on " Baldness".

In this essay Steven describes how he felt while going throughout the process of baldness. For him
baldness was expected 30 or after and that it was just his shampoo, the light, or the imagination. But after asking his friend and his parents he realized that it was true, he was getting bald. He research on baldness and all the possible solutions , but the solution seemed worst than the actual problem. At the end he realizes that if he takes one medicine he might have to take others because of the sideaffects. To conclude he adds'' For me right now, a nice hat seems like the better solution". Even though this essay is talking about a serious topic as it is the baldness the authors keeps humor in the environment, an this makes the essay interesting. For example I thought it was funny how he wrote" I told my mom. Of course she disagreed, but my dad said, " Yeah, I see what you mean."

Journal on "Remote control: how to raise a media Skeptic"

The author of this essay Susan, confess that television can be uselful. This author thinks that watching television with the kid and explaining to them , what is real and what's lying is useful to them , for future references. For example, she describes how she let her daughter watch television because that gives her sometimes off, for chores and that let her daughter judge what's reliable and what's not. For intense, the pone her daughter sees in the commercial. She thinks that television would give her daughter a cultural literacy, that she could use. I think that the author actually goes over the top to describe the time she spends watching television with her daughter " stupid" like Barbie walks in tiptoes. she says that is good " exposing them to the virus and showing them how to build up a few antibodies",that is good to teach the children about what they see in the television.

Journal on " O.K., So I'm Fat"

Neil Steinberg considers himself not that fat, but that the weight he has is because he eats a lot, not because any glandular disorder. He describes the way he is treated by others like " hey big guy" and says to him this is implying that he needs to loose some weight. For instance , when he went to a friend house and was ask if he wanted something , without him answering he was suggested a diet coke, (" A diet Coke, maybe?"). That he had been told of heroic stories of people that had lost weight, and how this sound inspiring. He admitts that he had less trouble with people that are thin but that don't go on diets and doesn't have to worry for what they eat. He mentiones his wife's friend and how he eats a lot of candy and is supper skinny. Finally , he says that maybe is a thing of fate, and that maybe if he didn't think about his weight he wouldn't be fat. I like this article because I never ecceded the hundred and ten pounds, and I'm one of those persons that eat whatever and don't gain weight, I though it was good to know how others feel of how they are treated to avoid discrimination.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Journal on '' Living under Circe's Spell''

This articles starts with a really catchy quote:"life is brief, time's a thief". The narration tells the acnedote of this man who suffers multiple sclerosis, and describes how has it been. For example he mentioned that when he was younger he used to play sports and was really athletic and even use avoid people that were in wheelchair. The author describes that at the beginning he used a cane , then crutches, and eventually a wheelchair; but he was in denial, he thought he would become a disable athletic, that he could still go to olympics for disables but things didn't go that way. Is even depressing how he mentiones that he feels he had lost his manhood because as he mentioned " the very act of sitting implies demotion", for him a man had to stand up for things. At the end as in the beginning he is still waiting for someone that can rescue him from the ground " waiting". I like the way the author describes the cycles he went through and use a cronological order.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

English Club presentation

In the presentation we had differents speakers. The presidents gave a great speech I actually learned that we are the pirates , it was a good laugh. Our professor Calderin recite a really nice poem. The band presented and they were pretty cool. The Rap section was intersting even though we couldn't heard it really good. We had good performance like the one of Will Brown and Esquilo Preto. I met the club members. The club Spensor gave speechers and they gave her trophy for all her support she was really touched with they action and showed it. In general the presentatio was great a little long for my taste but it was good, we heard a good jazz, rap and other music and we were introduced to many people I didn't know.

Journal on ''The daughter''

I think this is a great reading because it narrates the feeling of a young woman that feel the pressuare of being the daughter of two immigrants. She tell how she feel , because her parents have being in this country for thirty years and she is an American, but does not feel like one. She feel she does not belongs here or there. In the reading she narrates how she goes to this place an they ask her name and she doen't know what to say, because she doen'st know how to say her name in japanese. She looks at the future and notices that is unceratin because she would have to marry a japanese man, and at school she has always felt that she doesn't belong , she treats evryone the same, but they don't treat her well.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Journal on " Procrastination''

The reading start with the opening paragraph that says : '' Unlike perfectionists, procrastinators are incorrigible optimists. They operate under the assumption that if you postpone things you don't want to do long enough they eventually go away'', I think this is really, really true most people think that things would fall from the sky or that others would do it for them. I think that as human being we are we tend to leave things for last and at the end we have rush through them. Dr. Joyce Brothers tells how had missed good job opportunities because of proscrastination. The reading is really interesting because it gives tips of how to stop procrastination, it made me realized I need a couple of them.

Topic of preference : Psychology.

I decided that I would talk about psysochology. Psychology is a guide field of study , so I have decided to discuss as much as I can. This career has many, many topics and is often confused with psychiatry. I think is better to discuss phychology itself and not certain topics. Through the research I would be able to see what is psychology is all about and its public morals( most people I know would be offended if told they need a phychologist, why is this?). Since I'm really interested in this career it would good to know the job options and possible salaries. I might also include how phychology have grown through out the years, this is part of the social issues; are psychologists reliable.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Journal on " Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter "

Martin Luther King, Jr is well known for the fact that he was a great leader that help to defend the rights of the afro- american community. This letter he wrote made him famous. As I read it I realized that he was a man of powerful words and that knew how to make his point in a peaceful way. He mentioned that he tries to look for ways to get the white community attention, therefore they could realize that the black community most be treated equal. I had always agree with the fact that african - americans most be treated equally and I that the amendment of the constition is fair; saying that'' we most all be treated equally''. The letter is very specific and Luther King expressed his feelings towards racism and the ones that practices it , and that he would try to stop it by protesting in a peaceful way.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Journal on ''Stephen king''.

This is a well known writer that writes mainly fiction. ''if you want to be a good writer , you most do two things above all others, read a lot and write a lot''. This great writer tell the readers that somethimes we learn from bad readings, for instance what not to do, in a good reading the person learns '' style, graceful narration , plot development, the creation of believable characters and truth-telling. Stephen king is a master of the terror but he says '' I would never be able to write anything that good , not if I live to be a thousand''. I agree to all this bacause the fact is that we leand from mistakes we/others do, for instance he reads seventy to eighty books a year to learn from others, he not only do it for this but the fact that he enjoys it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Journal on "The prisioner's Dilemma"

As the text mentioned, this reading is based on dilemmas. Throught out the history we being developing cultures and mixing them more and more. Now a days we know more about cultures like the Islamic specially after September 11. This reading specifies details of how people in this culture punish those that comitt a crime. I think that the fact that we think this is wrong is based on our own culture. To them this is the right way bacause they developed their believes based on their ancestors and in the ''Koran'', they follow their reliogious practices very close, but believe that they should punish criminals with their own hand , to this I do not really agree, but who I might to tell what's right or wrong and the fact is that none of us is normal because being normal means conforming to a standard, pattern, or general average, or to what is expected; usual; in other words to fit to the society ideals ( an this one varies).